
A therapeutics company treating neurodegenerative disease by reversing autophagy, the natural, conserved degradation of the cell that removes unnecessary or dysfunctional components through a lysosome-dependent regulated mechanism.


Making one of the smallest biological processes take centre stage:

Samsara Therapeutics, spun out of Apollo Ventures as a company with a specific idea to look at the process of autophagy as a means to improve lives, through longevity and reversing neurodegenerative disease.

Their pipeline and proprietary technology has the potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinsons and ALS (Motor Neurone Disease).

The needed a brand that was expansive, inviting and visually appealing to a broad church of scientists, investors and media partners.

Our Approach:

We wanted to align our creative expression closely to the science, building the concept around the tension and magnitude of the autophaghy process while capturing the essence of reacting objects.

Our brand device use orbs filled with swirling texture and tone to symbolise the cell itself, often utilising motion to interpret the autolysosome transformation to dispose of waste material.

The brand visual language is very much at a micro level, however, to contrast this, we wanted to create a sense of scale and drama to engage the viewer. 

Paired with an approach to their copy and tone of voice that put their science on the front foot. A clear pattern of writing and delivery that sets out their aims, execution and impact in language that’s easy to understand.

The result is a compelling identity system which perfectly complements the process of autophagy.

book open to color scheme
book open to color scheme
book open to color scheme
book open to samsara brand imagery
book open to samsara brand imagery
book open to samsara brand imagery
book open to font choices
book open to font choices
book open to font choices

What we delivered:

Tone of voice & positioning

Worked with Samsara to deliver a tone of voice and writing style that was scalable across their communications. Their blog, website and talks each took on a specific cadence and writing style that pulls together seamlessly

Brand design

A thorough analysis of the brand, the science, and how to make autophagy central to the brand itself in a meaningful way, both in the logo and throughout the brand environment

Brand assets & materials

From their master brand logo to their sub-brand in LysoSeeker, Cohesion Labs delivered a thorough identity that included their social identity, investor pitch deck, stationery and animations

Web build

Working with Samsara to build out their new site, we delivered a WordPress build that they could manage themselves from day one.

samsara website shown on mobile tablet small laptop and large desktop
samsara website shown on mobile tablet small laptop and large desktop
samsara website shown on mobile tablet small laptop and large desktop
Samsara website open on tablet
Samsara website open on tablet
Samsara website open on tablet
Samsara website open on Iphone
Samsara website open on Iphone
Samsara website open on Iphone
samsara banners on flagpole
samsara banners on flagpole
samsara banners on flagpole
turquise and white Samsara business cards
turquise and white Samsara business cards
turquise and white Samsara business cards

What they said

Working with Cohesion Labs opened our eyes to how creative and impactful our science can look and feel, as well as the impact it's going to make when realised. It's been a great partnership of trust and communication.

From the off, there was an excitement and an appetite to get into the detail about how we worked, and what kind of brand we wanted to be. We set the right tone of voice, and worked on building out content and a creative approach for Samsara Therapeutics. We're thrilled with the result, there is an inviting and fascinating creative approach to explaining autophagy and our role in finding ways to deliver on our promise to impact neurodegenerative disease.

From the creative, to the build and development of content and the website, Cohesion Labs gave us more than we ever expected that we could do. And we look forward to continuing working with them moving forward.

Dr. Peter Hamley
CEO at Samsara Therapeutics

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